Gartner Identifies 10 Consumer Mobile Applications to Watch in 2012
Mobile Applications will Increasingly Define the User Experience on High-End Devices
STAMFORD, Conn., February 10, 2011—Gartner, Inc. has identified what it believes will be the most important mobile applications in 2012. Focusing on high-end devices with an average selling price (ASP) of more than $300 dollars, analysts have identified the top 10 cutting-edge technologies and trends for 2012.
Winning mobile apps will have unique features that cater to the mobile environment rather than act as a mobile extension of their online peers.
“Mobile applications will be a highly competitive marketplace that attracts the interest of many stakeholders,” said Sandy Shen, research director at Gartner. “Increasingly, mobile applications will define the user experience on high-end devices and device vendors that proactively integrate innovative apps and technologies at the platform layer will have the competitive edge.”
Mobile apps themselves will not only generate good revenue ($15.9 billion in expected end-user spending in 2012) but will also drive hardware sales, advertising spending and technology innovation. Gartner expects brand companies to increasingly shift their marketing budget to the mobile channel, and experiment with cutting-edge apps to capture marketing and sales opportunities. Companies, as well as technology and service providers, that stay abreast of the latest developments could make their products stand out from the pack, enhance brand image and retain user loyalty.
Gartner’s top 10 consumer applications to watch in 2012 include:
Location-based services (LBSs). Location is one of the main enablers that deliver services to users based on their context and, Gartner expects the total user base of consumer LBSs to reach 1.4 billion users by 2014. LBS strive to deliver features and functionalities in tune with the user's context, taking into account the user's location, personal preference, gender, age, profession, intention and so on, thus offering a more-intelligent user experience than basic location services can. Gartner analysts believe context-aware services are a key trend for mobile apps, and location is a key enabler of that.
Social networking. Mobile social networking is the fastest-growing consumer mobile app category of the 19 tracked by Gartner. Social network platforms are sucking in increasing amounts of network traffic. They are becoming portals, transit hubs and cloud storage for increasing amounts of messaging and e-mail traffic, videos, photos, games and commerce. As mainstream adoption progresses, global social sites will be driven toward providing services in partnership with third parties using open APIs, and are likely to evolve to a role as infrastructure providers acting as data warehouses and providing user data and access to the more-consumer-facing brands.
Mobile search. Visual search is usually related with product search to enable price comparisons or to check product information. To bring mobile search to the next level, the app would allow users to take actions based on the result, such as making a call or reservation, buying a ticket, placing an order, and so on. Gartner advises search providers to build the experience around mobile to allow users access to immediate results and to take actions, given the short time span users have. Mobile device vendors should partner with or acquire promising search providers to integrate the technology, preferably at the platform layer, to offer a differentiated user experience.
Mobile commerce. Today, mobile commerce is more of an extension of e-commerce but in a smaller form factor and with a more-streamlined experience. However, over the next 24 months, Gartner expects the emergence of uniquely mobile functions, such as the ability to "check in" to a store to alert a retailer that you are there, or the ability to add items to a shopping cart simply by taking a photo of an item or bar code in the physical store. In the future, Gartner expects richer mobile commerce capabilities to expand from native apps to the mobile browser as HTML5 starts to be deployed, though this will happen at a much later stage.
Mobile payment. Although near field communication (NFC) payment will be included in high-end phones from 2011, Gartner does not believe that it will become mainstream before 2015. In order to get consumers on board, payment solution providers need to address ease-of-use for users and ease-of-implementation for customers without compromising security. They also need to increase user awareness, extend the service coverage and address ease-of-use to appeal to end users.
Context-aware service. Context-aware applications provide improved user experiences by using the information about a person's interests, intentions, history, environment, activities, schedule, priorities, connections and preferences to anticipate their needs and proactively serve up the most appropriate content, product or service. Mobile carriers, along with handset manufacturers, should provide expanded location services to include, among others, directory assistance, mapping, advertising and privacy controls.
Object recognition (OR). High-end devices have an increased sensor and processing capability that enable sophisticated applications to recognize the user's surroundings, including specific objects of interest. Because OR provides an easy-to-use interface, more apps will come to the market with enhanced capabilities by 2012. Users will rely on the camera, as well as other device sensors as a communication tool when OR capabilities are combined with more-traditional app functions, giving users advanced search capabilities and a plethora of entertainment and productivity functionality.
Mobileinstant messaging (MIM). Gartner expects MIM to attract consumers to new types of unified communication (UC) client, provided by over the top (OTT) service providers such as Skype. These service providers are threatening traditional communications service provider voice revenue. Companies that consider including MIM into new products should consider integrating it with other communications types, such as location and presence, but be cautious about developing other functionality, such as federation of social network activity.
Mobile e-mail. Smartphones have begun to drive the mainstream adoption of mobile e-mail through a series of technology enhancements enabling low-cost mobile extensions to existing e-mail service. Gartner expects mobile e-mail users worldwide to increase from 354 million in 2009 to 713 million in 2014, to account for 10.6 percent of the global mobile user base. E-mail addresses are personal and potentially extremely sticky, thus provide carriers, e-mail service providers and OTT players with an opportunity to lock in consumers. Technology and service providers should consider how they can make it easier for consumers to use their affiliated mobile e-mail services as a way of ensuring long-term engagement with customers.
Technology and service providers should consider how they can make it easier for consumers to use their affiliated mobile e-mail services as a way of ensuring long-term engagement with customers.
Mobile video. Mobile phones with larger screens and media tablets offer the ideal platform for video consumption and with careful marketing and consumer education, Gartner believes that carriers and content providers would be able to drive mobile video usage in the coming years. Mobile carriers should partner with YouTube and other popular video providers, so that users can replicate their Internet behavior on their mobile phones, while mobile device manufacturers should integrate HD and 3D capabilities in their high-end devices and look to bundle content either as pre-loaded or as free downloads through an app store.
More information is available in the report "Mobile Insight: Ten Consumer Mobile Applications to Watch in 2012," which can be found on the Gartner website at
가트너는 2012년 주목해야 할 10대 모바일 애플리케이션을 발표하고, 모바일 애플리케이션이 하드웨어 판매와 광고 지출 및 기술혁신 등을 증진시킬 것이라고 언급
◆ 2012년 10대 모바일 애플리케이션 트렌드
① 위치기반서비스(LBS)
가트너는 2014년까지 LBS 총 사용자가 약 14억 명에 이를 것이며, 상황인식 서비스가 모바일 애플리케이션의 핵심 트렌드이고 LBS가 주요 동인이 될 것이라고 전망
② 모바일 소셜 네트워킹
모바일 소셜 네트워킹은 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 모바일 애플리케이션으로 포털, 증가하는 메시지 및 이메일 트래픽, 비디오, 게임 등을 위한 클라우드 스토리지가 될 것
③ 모바일 검색
검색 서비스 업체들은 모바일 검색 환경을 구축해 사용자들이 즉각적으로 검색 결과를 얻고 주어진 짧은 시간 안에 행동에 옮길 수 있는 서비스를 제공할 예정
④ 모바일 상거래
가트너는 향후 24개월 동안 스토어에 ‘체크인’해 방문했다는 것을 판매자에게 알려줄 수 있는 능력이나 실제 상점에서 간단히 아이템이나 바코드의 사진을 찍어 아이템을 쇼핑카트에 추가할 수 있는 능력과 같은 모바일 고유의 기능이 등장할 것이라고 전망
⑤ 모바일 결제
NFC 결제 기능이 점점 보급화 됨에 따라 결제 솔루션 제공자들은 사용자의 사용 편리성과 보안위협에 대한 문제 해결 필요
⑥ 상황인식(context-aware) 서비스 상황인식 애플리케이션은 개인의 관심사, 취향, 이력, 환경, 활동, 일정, 선호사항 등에 대한 정보를 이용해 필요로 하는 점을 예측하고 가장 적절한 콘텐츠, 제품 또는 서비스를 제공해, 사용자에게 보다 나은 경험을 제공
⑦ 객체 인식(Object Recognition, OR)
객체 인식의 기술 발달에 따라 사용자들에게 고급 검색 능력과 많은 엔터테인먼트 및 생산성 기능을 제공할 예정이며, 사용자들은 카메라뿐 아니라 다른 장치 센서를 커뮤니케이션 툴로 이용할 수 있을 것
⑧ 모바일 인스턴트 메시징(MIM)
가트너는 모바일 인스턴트 메시징이 새로운 유형의 통합 커뮤니케이션(UC) 클라이언트로 소비자들을 유치할 것이라고 전망함에 따라, 소셜 네트워크 활동 등 다른 기능 개발을 위한 연구가 필요하다고 강조
⑨ 모바일 이메일
가트너는 전 세계 모바일 이메일 사용자들이 2009년 3억 5,400만 명에서 2014년 7억 1,300만 명으로 증가해 전체 모바일 사용자 기반의 10.6%를 차지할 것이라고 전망
⑩ 모바일 동영상
모바일 통신사들은 유튜브와 다른 인기 있는 동영상 제공업체들과 협력해 사용자들이 자신의 휴대전화에서 인터넷에서 하는 활동을 똑같이 할 수 있는 서비스를 제공할 예정
원본:글로벌 IT 트렌드 - 가트너, 2012년 주목해야 할 10대 모바일 애플리케이션 발표
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